Pete Si

Is Ozbargain profitable enough to make a living?

Top voted answer
Scott Yang

Scott Yang, Founder at

Top 20% Online Business

Yes. OzBargain (or rather, the company that runs OzBargain, Delvu Media Pty Ltd) is currently employing 4 full time staffs in Australia paying them proper wage.Edit: Someone on OzBargain asked what's the biggest income for OzBargain and whether there's any income source other than ads. The answer is -- yes it's all ads. Mostly from Google AdSense -- they fluctuate seasonally but generally stable. We also show affiliate links to non-logged in users (which they have option to opt-out). Affiliate commission however,Fluctuates too much for a community website with a stable trafficWorking with affiliate networks distracts us from our main goal which is building a community for the shoppers. It takes more time and requires us to form partnership with merchants, which can be undesirable sometimes.And that's all!

Aishah Mustapha

Aishah Mustapha, Content Marketer at SavvySME Premium

Top 10% Advertising

Great insight into how Ozbargain makes money, though I’m not surprised that it is mostly ads. Their traffic is mostly organic and there are hardcore Ozbargain-ers out there who follow deals religiously. I have several friends who are always hunting for a bargain and have Ozbargain on their alerts and subscriptions. It fills a niche or gap in the market.


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